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Providing AI generated exams to assess the skills of job applicants.

To save hiring exam time and costs for any
number of applicants

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80%Reduce in
Hiring Time
95%Accuracy of Finding
the Right Talent
75%Saving in
Hiring Cost

How it works


1. Post the job description


2. Generate a multiple-choice exam


3. Generate a live coding exam with online proctoring


4. Generate reports on applicant’s exam results


5. Recommend qualified candidates for the role


Post the
job description

Enter the job details, and let our AI do the rest by generating custom exams to match the role’s specific skill needs.


Generate a
multiple-choice exam

Our AI generates a multiple-choice exam with conceptual and technical questions tailored to the job's required skills, incorporating KYC and online proctoring.


Generate a
multiple-choice exam

Our AI generates a multiple-choice exam with conceptual and technical questions tailored to the job's required skills, incorporating KYC and online proctoring.

Generate a live coding exam with online proctoring

Our AI creates coding exams in required languages, with live proctoring and evaluation of submitted code on test cases, readability, time, and memory efficiency.


Generate reports on
applicant’s exam results

Reports will be created according to applicants' exam results, providing insights into their skill sets.

Generate reports on
applicant’s exam results

Reports will be created according to applicants' exam results, providing insights into their skill sets.


Recommend qualified candidates for the role

Top candidates and their reports will be provided to the hiring committee, who will make the final decision.

Free trial

Who would benefit from

Merit Finder?

Both applicants and employers benefit from Merit Finder's fair and straightforward hiring process.

Merit Finder for Companies

Merit Finder objectively evaluates the talents of applicants, allowing better hiring decisions to be made.

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Merit Finder for Applicants

All applicants are given the same chance to be interviewed and evaluated as they apply for a job with Merit Finder.

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Why should smart companies trust
Merit Finder for hiring?

Merit Finder uses AI to streamline hiring by generating tailored exams and providing in-depth reports on candidates' skills. It saves time, reduces costs, and ensures fairness by giving every applicant an equal chance to showcase their abilities, helping you find the best fit for your role efficiently

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Welcome to Merit Finder

Merit Finder AI application overview in 1 minutes video.

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hiring process!

Merit Finder changed the way headhunters do business!

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